Windows Phone: Switch from Iphone Easy Guide

I have gone through “A LOT” of phones in the last 2 years.  Apple, Android, Windows, Symbian, to, fro, forward, back, up, down, and by far the best overall experience has been Windows Phone.  You will love the seamless contact integration, attentive photo features, those cool Lumia case colours and on the mid to high level Windows phones, exceptional low light camera performance. You also never have to say a word starting with “i” again though you can still sync your Windows phone to your Macbook’s iTunes. Though the biggest downside to switching is no iMessage on Windows phone, you can find countless chat and communications apps out there that use the internet connection.

Here is a quick easy guide for Iphone users moving to Windows phone:

1. First and foremost, switch off imessage on your iPhone

2. Next, after creating your Microsoft account on your Windows phone, sign into your Apple iCloud account. Go to Settings > Email & Accounts > iCloud.  Once the sync is complete, you will have your Apple contacts, mail and calendar, which are often configured by default in your Apple iCloud.

3. If you don’t have iCloud, go to your iPhone, switch Bluetooth on, open the “Transfer my data” app on your Windows phone and turn on Bluetooth there as well.  Once the two phones are paired you can transfer your iPhone Contacts.  For photos and videos, install the OneDrive app on your iPhone, sign into that app using the same Microsoft account you signed into your Windows phone with.   If that’s all too hard, sync your iPhone to your computer, then connect your Windows phone and copy the files from your iTunes media folder to your Windows phone.

4. Now just get your apps from the Microsoft store.   If the same app doesn’t exist, try something alternative.

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